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Entdecke neue Orte in der Nähe 7-Eleven
Kincaid Inter School (1.5 km)
Beaconhouse Yamsaard International School (1.7 km)
Pan-Asia International School (2.3 km)
Nong Bon Lake Park (2.1 km)
Dog-Friendly Park with Scenic Lake and Ample Amenities
Suan Luang Rama IX (2.5 km)
Largest Park in Bangkok with Stunning Sunset Views
Srinakarin Rod Fai Train Night Market (2.5 km)
Vibrant and Varied Train Night Markets in Bangkok
Seacon Square (2.7 km)
I love Seacon. Complete with everything from shopping to food and even all sorts of banks in one floor- it is well-organized!
Ink & Lion (3.1 km)
If you are a fan of third wave coffee, art and delicious small bite desserts, this is the place for you!