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Entdecke neue Orte in der Nähe 7-Eleven
Lumpini Park Riverside Rama 3 (nahe)
U Delight Residence Riverfront Rama 3 (12 Min)
The Star Estate @ Rama 3 (0.9 km)
Chapter One Modern Dutch Rat Burana 33 (1 km)
D Condo Sathupradit 49 (1.2 km)
The Sathu Residences (1.3 km)
Sapphire Luxurious Condominium Rama 3 (1.3 km)
Lumpini Place Rama 3 - Riverine (1.4 km)
International Schools
King's College International School Bangkok (1.4 km)
Sarasas Ektra School (2 km)